mlpack: A C++ machine learning library

Nowadays, most people use scikit-learn for machine learning projects. Because scikit-learn is a top quality ML package for Python and lets you use a machine learning algorithm in several lines of Python code, which is great!

As a machine learning researcher, I personally like to try and use other machine learning libraries. It’s good to have knowledge of other ML libraries in your arsenal. Since I used C++ for my projects, I decided to try a C++ machine learning library.

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An accuracy comparison between scikit-learn’s SVM and LightTwinSVM program

Recently, I’ve introduced the LightTwinSVM program on my blog (If you haven’t read it, check out this post.).  It is a fast and simple implementation of TwinSVM classifier. Some people might ask why I should use this program over other popular SVM’s implementation such as LIBSVM and scikit-learn. The short answer is that TwinSVM has better accuracy than that of SVM in most cases.

In order to show the effectiveness of the LightTwinSVM program in terms of accuracy, experiments were conducted on 10 UCI datasets benchmark datasets.

Continue reading “An accuracy comparison between scikit-learn’s SVM and LightTwinSVM program”